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Open Protocol Discussion (3/11/21)

Date and time

Highlighted Speakers

David Mazières, Eric Saunders, Karen Chang, Leigh McCulloch, Nicolas Barry, Jed McCaleb, Jonathan Jove, Orbit Lens, Siddharth Suresh, Tomer Weller and Justin Rice

SDF Hosted




Join us for a live stream of the Stellar Open Protocol Discussion! In these bi-weekly meetings, we discuss and plan for changes to upcoming versions of the Stellar Protocol.

This week, we will be focusing on proposed changes to CAP-21, which generalizes the timeBounds field in transactions to support other conditions, including conditions that relax sequence number checking and provide relative time locks. The goal of the proposed revisions is to create relative time locks for payment channels, and in general to expand the capabilities of preconditions on transactions.

It's a technical discussion, so if you want to follow along, we suggest reading both the proposal itself and the recent discussion about the proposed changes. If you're interested in keeping on top of protocol changes, you can also join the Stellar Developers Google group.