Blog Article

Announcing the Stellar Wallet SDK: Build on Stellar Faster Than Ever Before


Taylor Murrell

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Wallet SDK

What's new?

At Meridian 2023, we excitedly announced the new Stellar Wallet SDK. The Wallet SDK is the latest in a suite of self-service tools built by the Stellar Development Foundation to make building on the Stellar network easier and faster than ever. With one implementation, fintechs can build a Stellar network-enabled wallet with access to the network’s technical standards without needing to be an expert in the details of the Stellar blockchain.

Why does this matter?

Interoperability and ease of building on the Stellar blockchain have been a focus for the SDF. With each new solution, the SDF team has been conscious of creating tools that support the interoperability of the network that also improve the development time and speed of building on the network.

As SDF Senior Director of Engineering, Alex Cordeiro mentioned on stage, the Stellar network’s interoperable standards are what enable wallets to seamlessly plug into on and off-ramp services without needing to customize an integration with each individual anchor. Historically, wallets have had to integrate each individual payment standard on the network, but with the release of the Wallet SDK, fintechs can now make one integration of the SDK to become and remain interoperable with new on and off-ramps in the broader anchor network.

How does the Wallet SDK work?

Wallets can simply integrate the SDK to become interoperable with solutions such as MoneyGram Access™ or the Stellar Disbursement Platform which powers bulk payments including use cases like aid distribution via Stellar Aid Assist, without needing to be an expert in the technical details of the Stellar network.

Today, the Wallet SDK enables access to Stellar network features including deposit and withdrawal services (on and off-ramps), KYC, and web authentication. Upcoming features include an additional deposit and withdrawal standard, and support for Soroban-enabled features. Better yet, the Wallet SDK is available to fintechs in one of three languages: Flutter1, Kotlin and Typescript, meaning fintechs can integrate whichever version best fits their existing tech stack.

1The Flutter version of the Wallet SDK is managed by an external ecosystem company, not SDF.

Get Started

Easier to build than ever

Learn more about how to integrate the Wallet SDK.

Review the developer documentation to get started.