Blog Article

Welcoming Zodia Custody as a Technical Host of the Stellar Disbursement Platform


Dana Bernard

Publishing date

Stellar disbursement platform

Open source

What's new?

With the release of the new open-source Stellar Disbursement Platform, this bulk payment solution can now be adapted to suit the needs of organizations of all sizes. We're thrilled to welcome Zodia Custody as the first organization to facilitate technical hosting capabilities to serve organizations interested in sending bulk payments for various use cases including for humanitarian aid, cash assistance programs, cross border payroll, and more.

Who is Zodia Custody?

Zodia Custody is a UK-based institution-first digital asset custodian, majority owned by Standard Chartered. Focused on serving the needs of institutions globally, Zodia Custody offers custody, off-exchange settlement and staking facilitation services, all with a compliance-first approach and bank-grade safety and risk management. Through this partnership, Zodia Custody will now also be able to facilitate global disbursements for its clients through its implementation of the Stellar Disbursement Platform.

Digital assets, blockchain and other web3 technologies have great power to transform the world as we know it. Being from Zimbabwe, I’ve seen first hand how digital assets can be used as a force for immense social good, as well.

Anoosh Arevshatian, Chief Risk Officer at Zodia Custody

Anoosh continues, “Our collaboration with the Stellar Disbursement Platform is a fantastic example of how blockchain technology can be leveraged to create a fairer financial system for many today. This is vital work: creating a more accessible system so anyone—regardless of where they were born or where they live—can participate in a global, stable financial network.”

Try out the Stellar Disbursment Platform

Easier to pay in bulk than ever

Interested in learning more about scaling your bulk payments with the Stellar Disbursement Platform?

Explore the technical requirements, code repository, and supporting documentation.