2024 SDF Research Year in Review


Giuliano Losa

Publishing date

Back in 2023, the Stellar Development Foundation (SDF) established a research team that collaborates with academic and industry researchers to tackle scientific problems that show potential for furthering SDF’s mission of equitable access to financial services and that can benefit the whole blockchain ecosystem.

SDF’s research team contributes to the research community similarly to how many academics do. We work on novel scientific problems and publish and give talks about our results in academic venues (peer-reviewed conferences and journals, workshops, etc.). In addition, we serve the community by organizing scientific workshops, reviewing papers, participating in program committees of conferences, teaching, and offering research internships for PhD students. Finally, we run SDF’s academic research-grants program.

A lot happened in 2024, so we wanted to provide a brief summary of everything we accomplished.

1. Evolution of the team

In April 2024, Iftach Haitner (Professor at Tel-Aviv University, on leave) joined SDF as a full-time researcher in cryptography. With our other researcher Giuliano Losa, who focuses on distributed computing and formal methods, this brought our small team to two full-time researchers. To complement our in-house team, we also worked with two part-time contractors, Eli Gafni (Professor Emeritus, UCLA) and Moshen Lesani (Associate Professor, UC Santa Cruz), and two research interns, Yunqi Zhang (PhD candidate, Ohio State University) and Patrick Redmond (PhD candidate, UC Santa Cruz).

2. Workshops

Swen Jacobs (CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security) and Giuliano Losa organized the 11th Workshop on Formal Reasoning in Distributed Algorithm (FRIDA 2024) as part of CAV 2024. The workshop brought together researchers from both industry and academia. More information at https://frida-2024.github.io/

3. Publications

Work involving SDF’s researchers led to 3 peer-reviewed publications.

Another work on peer-to-peer overlays is scheduled to appear at Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2025 in April 2025, and we have a number of projects in the pipeline in cryptography, distributed computing, and formal methods. In particular, Iftach has been ramping up his work in Cryptography and now has 5 papers under submission, including:

  • In collaboration with Dan Boneh, Iftach Haitner and Yehuda Lindell.

Exponent-VRFs and Their Applications.

4. Talks

Member of SDF’s research team gave 5 research talks in 2024:

  • On December 17th, 2024, Giuliano gave a remote talk on Federated Byzantine Agreement at the WIDE Workshop in Rennes, France.
  • On September 10th, 2024, Giuliano gave a talk on formally-verifying liveness properties of consensus algorithms at the TLA+ Community Meeting in Milan, Italy.
  • On September 5th, 2024, Giuliano gave a talk on Federated Byzantine Agreement during the Dagstuhl Seminar “Next-Generation Secure Distributed Computing” in Dagstuhl, Germany.
  • On June 20th, 2024, Giuliano presented the paper “Brief Announcement: Understanding Read-Write Wait-Free Coverings in the Fully-Anonymous Shared-Memory Model” at the PODC 2024 conference in Nantes, France.
  • On June 19th, 2024, Giuliano presented the paper “Asynchrony-Resilient Sleepy Total-Order Broadcast Protocols” at the PODC 2024 conference in Nantes, France.

5. Service to the academic research community

Both Iftach and Giuliano served as program-committee members for Eurocrypt 2024 and PODC 2024, respectively. This kind of work involves providing detailed reviews and grades for 10 to 20 research papers and deliberating with the rest of the program committee to choose which papers make it to the final conference program.

Iftach was associate editor of the SIAM Journal on Computing and did reviews for the STOC and TCC conferences, and Giuliano reviewed for DISC and the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing.

Giuliano served as a member of the PhD thesis review committee for Yunqi Zhang (Ohio State University) and Timothé Albouy (INRIA, France).

Finally, Iftach was a teacher at the EASIT 2024 summer school in Shonan, Japan.

6. Academic grants

We funded 14 academic research groups across the globe, including the United States, Switzerland, Australia, Singapore, and Israel. For more details on our grant program, see https://research.stellar.org/research-grants

7. Software

We developed python-fbas, a prototype tool to check properties of Federated Byzantine Agreement System (of which the Stellar network is an instance of) using SAT solvers.

2024 was a big year for the research team here at SDF and we look forward to continuing our research in support of SDF’s mission to create equitable access to the global financial system through blockchain technology in 2025.