Blog Article

Sorobounty Spectacular: Dapp Tutorials You Can Use!


Bri Wylde

Publishing date




Just a few short months ago, the Stellar Development Foundation rolled out a content bounty program called Sorobounty Spectacular that provided the structure for daring developers to build dapps in the Soroban sandbox accompanied by educational content such as written tutorials and video walkthroughs. The goal of the program was to crowdsource content that helps other developers learn the features and functionality of Soroban. We had so many sensational and varied submissions (peep them all on the GitHub Discussions page), and we are excited to highlight a few that may aid or inspire you in your own building journey (and some that are just fun to play with).

I would like to preface this list with the noteworthy caveat that all Sorobounty Spectacular submissions were built on Futurenet, a sandbox environment. Soroban is still in development and recently updated to Preview 11. If the owners of these submissions have not updated their projects, their demos may not be working. However! The valuable content in the tutorials and guides is still relevant whether or not the demo is functional.

So! Without further ado, I present to you five spectacular submissions!

Regulated Assets Dapp

Author: fazzatti (GitHub username)

Link to GitHub Discussion

This dapp takes inspiration from the Stellar network’s SEP-8: Regulated Assets standards and leverages smart contracts to improve upon those standards. This project makes use of the Stellar Asset Contract and also incorporates an asset controller contract that establishes and enforces specific rules to ensure every transaction aligns with the asset issuer’s requirements.

This project’s demo allows the user to set up an account, initiate transactions, observe the enforcement of asset rules, connect a Freighter wallet, and more. And if you’re interested in learning more about regulated assets, using the demo, or understanding how the project was built, the author has created this fantastic five-part YouTube series that includes code walkthroughs and script tutorials.

Dive into the project on the public GitHub repo, where fazzatti invites you to collaborate and provide feedback to help shape the future of regulated digital assets.

Soroban Snooker Game Dapp

Author: FredericRezeau (GitHub username)

Link to GitHub Discussion

This submission switches gears and delves into the wonderful world of Web3 gaming and NFTs with Soroban Snooker. This project demonstrates various gaming use cases, including in-app purchases and decentralized gameplay validation, as well as how to implement Soroban-specific functionalities such as storage types.

You can play the demo here by connecting your Freighter wallet, or you can forget about that wallet business and play as a guest. If you’d like to know how Fred created this submission, follow along in this YouTube video, where you’ll learn about resource limitations and custom types on Soroban as well as game client communication and Freighter integration.

Check out the code in the Soroban Snooker GitHub repo, which may even inspire you to build a Web3 game of your own!

Cowchain Farm Dapp

Author: hasToDev (GitHub username)

Link to GitHub Discussion

hasToDev’s Cowchain Farm leverages smart contracts and Flutter to create a game where the user buys virtual cows and then must feed them consistently and on time to keep them alive and sell them for a profit. Cowchain Farm demonstrates several of Soroban’s key components, including authentication and authorization, events, a neat implementation of state expiration, and more. With the recent Testnet upgrade to Protocol 20, which adds Soroban support to the Stellar Testnet, an auction functionality was implemented where the user can put their cows up for auction for other users to purchase.

Start building your herd by playing Cowchain Farm here and following the demo tutorial on YouTube. If you’re curious about how the dapp was built, hasToDev created a fantastic video tutorial and post on, and check out the Soroban code and Flutter code available on GitHub.

Payment Streaming Dapp

Author: TosinShada (GitHub username)

Link to GitHub Discussion

There’s nothing wrong with taking things back to the basics. In this submission, author TosinShada walks the user through how to create a payment streaming dapp that uses smart contracts to facilitate sending payments periodically to a recipient over time while also allowing that participant to withdraw those available funds at any time.

Experiment with the demo here, where you can create and monitor streaming payments based on flow rate per second, date range, and more. Also, get an in-depth walkthrough of how to create a payment streaming dapp by watching the YouTube tutorial or following along in the published article.

And, of course, the code is all publicly available GitHub repo.

Bitcoin Price Oracle Dapp

Author: snowstorm134 (GitHub username)

Link to GitHub Discussion

Oracles play an important role in bridging the gap between blockchain dapps and real-world data. This submission consists of three smart contracts (the oracle contract, token contract, and donation contract) and is a source of Bitcoin price data that can be used by other decentralized applications on the Stellar network.

Oracles can connect blockchain to all sorts of data types, from weather patterns to wheat prices to sports results. Interested in building your own oracle? snowstorm134 created some resources to help get you going, including a written tutorial on and a video walkthrough on YouTube.

A round of applause for our amazing submissions!

Whether you’re looking to leverage smart contracts to build a tool, a game, or an application, Sorobounty Spectacular has the tutorials you need! Be sure to peruse the GitHub Discussions page to view any that weren’t mentioned in this piece.

And if you’re interested in building on Soroban and not sure where to start, Soroban Quest teaches you Soroban basics all in a Gitpod environment, RPCiege is a great place to learn the fundamentals of Rust, and the Soroban Dapps Challenge will help you quickly get building dapps on Soroban. As we mentioned earlier, the Stellar Testnet was just upgraded to Protocol 20, which enables Soroban functionality on Testnet, and with Mainnet launch approaching, now is the perfect time to get building!