Sorobanathon Road to Mainnet: A Retrospective.


Anuhya Challagundla

Publishing date



Sorobanathon Road to Mainnet was a month-long virtual hackathon organized by the Stellar Development Foundation (SDF) that ran from September 1st to October 11th, 2023. This event provided the structure for new and existing Stellar developers to bring innovation and creativity to the Soroban ecosystem.

We had many fantastic and eclectic submissions, all of which were developed as MVPs within the hackathon setting and showcased the creators’ technical prowess.

Four projects were awarded, and we’re pleased to highlight those winners here today!

The Winners

Cowchain Farm: A Unique Blockchain Gaming Experience

In first place is Cowchain Farm, an innovative idle game built on Soroban that blends blockchain with gaming. Players engage in activities like buying, feeding, selling, and auctioning cows within a smart contract setup.

What's Next: The team envisions expanding gameplay features, including the life cycle of cows from birth to maturity, and potentially introducing elements like cow racing.

The Winners

Divify: Revolutionizing Expense Management

Securing the second spot, Divify, an iOS app, reimagines handling shared expenses through the integration of Soroban smart contracts.

What's Next: The team plans to implement QR code payments and develop a web app extension, broadening its user base and enhancing functionality.

The Winners

Kwickbit & Paltalabs: Bridging Crypto and Compliance

Third place went to Kwickbit & Paltalabs for their collaborative effort in simplifying cryptocurrency compliance. Their solution aids users in tracking and reporting on-chain activities for regulatory purposes.

What's Next: They aim to develop deterministic programmatic interfaces further, streamlining transaction classification for users.

The Winners

Soro-Shark: Best Beginner Soroban Tinkerer

Soro-Shark, recognized as the Best Beginner Soroban Tinkerer, introduces an innovative approach to equity tokenization.

What's Next: With an eye on Soroban's mainnet launch, the creator plans to deepen their exploration of Soroban's capabilities, potentially impacting startup funding.


Continued Learning

RPCiege is an engaging way to learn about Rust fundamentals and Soroban smart contract development. Through interactive coding puzzles, it offers a rewarding educational experience for those looking to enhance their skills.

Soroban Dapps Challenge is a great way to get started building dapps on Soroban. The courses are part challenge, part educational journey and help developers build a base knowledge for continued Soroban development.


Looking Forward

Inspired by the creativity and problem-solving demonstrated at Sorobanathon: Road to Mainnet, the DevRel team @ the Stellar Development Foundation is planning more hackathons for 2024. These events will continue to foster innovation and attract new talents to the Stellar ecosystem.

We invite our community to explore these projects and join us in this journey of innovation. The achievements of these developers mark the beginning of an exciting chapter for Soroban.

Be sure to join the Stellar Dev Discord to engage with the community and keep up to date on upcoming programs.