Blog Article
Stellar Development Foundation
Publishing date
Annual recap
One year ago today, Stellar launched. In our first turn around the sun, we took challenging initial steps towards global economic change. We crafted cutting-edge technology, built relationships with partners, and were welcomed into the global development community. is 1!
Here are a few highlights:
An inclusive Stellar community emerged and continues to grow. Together we can now:
All of you have played a crucial role in Stellar's first year.
Our mission is to enable low-income people in underserved communities to take control of their financial lives. The next 365 days will be about making Stellar more accessible so we can achieve that mission. We'll be launching the new network, as well as introducing tools for learning to use and build on Stellar. And we need your help. In year two, the Stellar community will be even more involved. So what can you do?